Tue Feb 11, 2025 08:59:13  
- General -
GLISnet Home Page
Online Support
Free Downloads

- Browsers -
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer

- E-Mail Clients -
Mozilla Thunderbird
Outlook Express
Outlook 2002
Netscape Mail
Entourage OS X
Mac Mail

- Operating Systems -
Windows XP
Windows 98 / 98SE / ME
Linux - Fedora CORE 3
Macintosh OS 8.x / 9.x / OS X

- Internet Setup Wizards -
Windows XP / 2000
Windows 98 / 98SE / ME
Fedora CORE 3 KPPP
Macintosh OS 8.x
Macintosh OS 9.x
Macintosh OS X

- Modems -
Modem Strings
Where do the modem strings go?
Modem Manufacturers

- Web Master -

» HTML Tutorial:
» Webmaster Tools:

» Confirmation Emails:
Virtual Domain Email
Personal Web-Space Email

- Maintenance -
Coming Soon!

- Internet Programs -
Coming Soon!

- Outlook Express -

- E-Mail Settings and Info -

Incoming (POP3) and Outgoing (SMTP):
For addresses the end with @glis.net use mail.glis.net

IMAP Server Name: mail.glis.net

Server Port Numbers:
Incoming (POP3): 110
Outgoing (SMTP): 25

MailStorm v2 -- Junk Mail Screening:

Outlook Express for Windows
Outlook Express for Macintosh
Outlook Express Backup Wizard

- Outlook Express Contents -

How To's:
 Outlook Express Setup for POP3
 Outlook Express Setup for IMAP
 Outlook Express Identities
 Using multiple e-mail addresses without using identities
 Repairing Outlook Express
 Setup for 576.glis.net server

Account Settings:
 Account Properties Settings

Trouble Shooting:
 Outlook Express 0X800CCCxx Errors.
 OE won't let me open Attachments.
 OE hangs-up on me.
 OE won't open hyperlinks
 OE keeps downloading the same e-mails