Tue Feb 11, 2025 08:19:09  
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Windows XP
Windows 98 / 98SE / ME
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Macintosh OS 8.x / 9.x / OS X

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Windows XP / 2000
Windows 98 / 98SE / ME
Fedora CORE 3 KPPP
Macintosh OS 8.x
Macintosh OS 9.x
Macintosh OS X

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Modem Strings
Where do the modem strings go?
Modem Manufacturers

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- UnInstalling and ReInstalling TCP/IP in Windows 98 / 98SE / ME -

Before your uninstall and reinstall your TCP/IP, make sure you have your Windows 98 / 98SE / ME CD availiable.

Click on Start / Settings / Control Panel

Double click on the Network icon.

Select TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter or TCP/IP and click the Remove button.

After the TCP/IP has been removed, click the OK button.

If this window appears after clicking the "OK" button click the Yes button.

This window may appear. Insert your Windows CD and click the OK button.
A progress window will appear. If you get any "Version Conflict" windows just click the "Yes" button.

Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive and click Yes to restart the computer

After the computer has rebooted. Click on Start / Run... / Control Panel.
Double click the Network icon and proceed with the instructions below.

If this window appears after clicking on the "Network" icon click the Yes button.

Click the Add... button.

Select Protocol and click the Add... button.

On the left-side select Microsoft and on the right-side select TCP/IP and click the OK button.

Back at the main "Network" window, click the OK button.

This window may appear. Insert your Windows CD and click the OK button.
A progress window will appear.

A progress window will appear.

During the copy progress some "Version Conflict" window may appear.
Just click the "Yes" buttons as they pop-up.

Remove the CD from the CD-ROM drive and click Yes to restart the computer and your done!

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