Wed Mar 12, 2025 04:25:03  
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GLISnet Personal Services

GLISnet offers personal dialup packages based on either time usage or unlimited usage.
To sign up call our office at 1-888-445-4763 from 9:00 AM until 8PM Monday through Friday, 10AM until 4PM Saturday.

All GLISnet personal dialup accounts include:

  • X2/K56/V.90/V.92 56k modem or ISDN access.
  • Mailstorm Junk & Virus E-Mail Screening.
  • No session forced disconnects.
  • Never busy, four to one user to modem ratio.
  • Microsoft compression enabled. Helps accelerate modem connections.
  • 10 Meg E-mail
  • Usenet News
  • 6 Meg Personal home page
  • Free invoice billing on accounts over $8.00 per month.
  • No credit cards required, but we do accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa.
  • Discounts for prepay accounts.
  • $25.00 account credit for every customer referral
  • No hidden charges.
- GLISnet Personal Packages -

Package Description Monthly
Email Boxes Mailstorm
Junk Mail &
Virus Screening
Quarterly Billing
Prepay / Month
Prepay / Month
Prepay / Month
Propack 10 10 hours per month $4.95 1 FREE N/A N/A N/A
Netpack 10 10 hours per month $4.95 5 FREE N/A N/A N/A
Netpack 30 30 hours per month $8.95 1 FREE $24.75 / $8.25 $46.50 / $7.75 $78.00 / $6.50
Netpack 80 80 hours per month $13.95 3 FREE $39.00 / $13.00 $72.00 / $12.00 $123.00 / $10.25
Unlimited Unlimited personal use $18.95 5 FREE $53.25 / $17.75 $99.00 / 16.50 $167.40 / $13.95
ISDN Dual Channel 75 75 hours of dual channel use per month $19.95 5 FREE $56.25 / $18.75 $105.00 / $17.50 $179.40 / $14.95
ISDN U2B Unlimited personal use with Dual Channel connections $37.90 5 FREE $106.50 / $35.50 $198.00 / $33.00 $334.80 / $27.90
Unlimited Dialup &
Unlimited 2 Stage
Unlimited personal use with 2 Stage Long Distance $29.95 5 FREE N/A N/A N/A

- Additional Services Offered -

Services Price
Static IP Address 4.95
Additional Static IP Addresses in a subnet (each) 2.00
Additional mail boxes (upto 5) on Netpack 30 & 80 4.95
Dedicated 24x7 connection $99.95
Stand alone POP3 GLISnet mailbox with Mailstorm protection (sold annually) $40.00

Prepay discounts are available on additional services.

Please read GLISnet's cancellation and refund policy

Please Note:
For existing customers to switch packages you must call our office at 1-888-445-4763. PLEASE DO NOT JUST MAIL IN A NEW AMOUNT. If you mail in a pre-pay payment amount without calling to switch plans you may continue to be charged the higher monthly rate. When you call you will then be instructed on the new amount to mail in since billing cycles are prorated and your amount may be less or more than quoted above on the first bill in the cycle of the new rate plan, depending on how far into the month you switch plans.

Time exceeding package limits are billed at one penny per minute. Netpack 10 & Propack 10 has a $10 setup fee, all other services have free setup. Netpack 10 & Propack 10 also has a $1.95 paper invoice fee if you select paper billing. Unlimited services are not to used as dedicated connections. Second channel MultiLink use on basic Unlimited service is not available. Second channel use on a Netpack DC75 will consume time at twice the rate (ie: 1 hour of 2 channel use would show as 2 hours exhausted in the Netpack plan). So a Dual Channel 75 would provide 75 hours of multilink per month, or 150 hours of single channel use, or a mixture anywhere in-between. Charges for usage beyond plan limits are billed by the minute and capped at a maximum month charge on a Netpack10, Netpack 30 or Netpack 80 is $19.95 including the cost of the service, or $39.95 per month on the DC75 package. The maximum charge for ProPack 10 is $9.95. All packages include unlimited toll free tech support except Propack 10. Tech support is provided by GLISnet's tech support center in Clinton Township, Michigan.